Ultra Floor Suppress IT Moisture Vapour Suppressant - 5 Litre

Ultra Floor Suppress IT Moisture Vapour Suppressant - 5 Litre

£53.52 inc.VAT (£44.60 ex.VAT)
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UltraFloor Suppress IT is a ready to use single component rapid drying moisture suppressant primer membrane.  It is water based and solvent free and must be applied in two coats.  Designed to suppress residual construction moisture thus allowing

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UltraFloor Suppress IT is a ready to use single component rapid drying moisture suppressant primer membrane.  It is water based and solvent free and must be applied in two coats. Designed to suppress residual construction moisture thus allowing earlier installation of floor coverings.

  • Water based, solvent free formulation
  • Single component
  • Up to 95% RH protection
  • Removes the need to prime
  • Coverage: approx 16.5 sq./m based on two coats
  • Resealable bottle, eliminating waste
  • Pigmented orange for coverage control
  • Size: 5 Litre

UltraFloor Suppress IT is a single component, two-coat rapid drying moisture suppressant primer membrane. It has a water based, solvent free formulation and is designed to suppress residual construction moisture – up to 95% relative humidity in cementitious subfloors (when tested with a properly calibrated surface hygrometer in accordance with BS 8203). Thus allowing earlier installation of floor coverings. The product is pigmented orange enabling easy identification and coverage control in applied areas.

Specifi cally designed for use over a variety of substrates including concrete floors, sand/cement screeds and most absorbent construction materials. It is not suitable for use with very dense substrates. When the product is to be used with underfloor heating (please contact UltraFloor Technical Services for further information).

NOTE: UltraFloor Suppress IT should not be used in projects where hydrostatic pressure is a concern. In such cases the use of pressure relief drainage and/or external tanking systems must be the primary method of protection against moisture.

All substrates must be prepared to leave a sound, clean and surface dry subfloor. Oils, grease and other contaminants that may hinder adhesion must be removed. This includes release agents used in concrete curing processes as well as laitance, contamination and any weak surface materials. The surface strength of the substrate should be greater than 1.5N/mm² in accordance with BS 8204-6 Part 7.2.

All bases MUST contain a structural damp proof course or construction membrane and rough, uneven or damaged concrete or sand/cement screeds must be smoothed or repaired prior to the application of UltraFloor Suppress IT.

The nature of joints in the subfloor must be ascertained. If joints are designed to allow movement at perimeters, between bays of subfloor they must not be overcoated with UltraFloor Suppress IT. If joints are considered stable they may be infi lled with UltraFloor DPM IT bulked out with clean sharp sand to a slump resistant viscosity. Similarly hairline cracks and hollows may be infilled in the same manner.

No priming required.

Air temperature should be a minimum of 10°C throughout application and curing. Floor temperature should be a minimum of 5°C above the dew point to ensure there is no moisture present at the subfloor surface which will hinder adhesion. Dew point is linked to atmospheric humidity and temperature. Most modern electronic moisture testing kits provide this function. The product should be stored at temperatures between 5°C and 30°C overnight prior to use. This ensures that the product will be at a suitable viscosity for mixing and will have optimum pot life.

  • Shake the bottle to mix the contents immediately prior to use, do not add water or dilute UltraFloor Suppress IT, it is ready to use.
  • Ensure that you do not use this product when the temperature is below 10°C and/or the substrate temperature is below 5°C.
  • Apply the 1st coat using a suitable pre-coated roller (ideally a lamb’s wool roller) in one direction at a coverage rate of 150g/m², ensuring that the material is worked well into the substrate.
  • Apply 2nd coat, when the fi rst coat is dry, approximately 20-30 minutes at 20°C, perpendicular to the first coat at a coverage rate of 150g/m². Allow to dry, approximately 30-60 minutes at 20°C.
  • When applied to absorbent surfaces, the membrane can be absorbed into the substrate leaving a subdued shine. In such instances or where pinholes, cavities and weak patches are present a further coat may be required.
  • When dry it is essential that a pinhole free coating is achieved and to maintain a coverage rate of 150g/m² per coat, as a two-coat application you must mark out the required area in accordance with the coverage rate section.
  • UltraFloor Suppress IT must be overlaid within 12 hours of the membrane curing to provide an absorbent surface for the suitable application of adhesives. If the membrane is not covered within 12 hours of curing a further coat will be required and allowed to dry before proceeding with the application of the underlayment.

UltraFloor Suppress IT is suitable for use on most cement based subfloors. UltraFloor recommend consultation with subfloor preparation equipment suppliers to ensure correct equipment for the substrates is selected.

Concrete & Power Floated Concrete: Mechanically abrade to remove all surface hardeners and additives. Make dust free.

Cementitious Screeds: Lightly abrade to remove any contamination from other trades and to remove any weak upper surface materials. Make dust free.

All curing and drying times are based on good site conditions i.e. an air temperature of 20 Degree Celcius and good ventilation. Allow between 20-30 minutes for the 1st coat and approximately 30-60 minutes for the 2nd coat. Sites that are cold, humid or damp or in areas where airflow is poor, will prolong drying and curing times, so allowances should be made accordingly. Keep the subfloor completely clear of other trades and foot traffic until cured. The product should cure to provide a glossy orange coloured film. Inspect to ensure a pinhole free film has been attained.

Application - 2 Coats
Coverage Per Unit - 16.5 sq./m
Consumption Per 100 sq./m Area - 6 units

Coverage is for guidance only based on a smooth, non-absorbent subfloor. Substrate texture and absorbency can affect consumption variations. The above table is based upon the coverage rate of 150 ml / sq./m per coat. To achieve the correct coverage rate, it is recommended the area is calculated prior to application and then the correct volume is applied uniformly to the area. For large application areas it is advisable to mark out the area to be covered by each unit i.e. 16.5m2
Any tools and equipment can be cleaned using warm water immediately after use.

To be kept out of direct sunlight and should be stored at temperatures between 5 Degree Celcius - 30 Degree Celcius at all times. If allowed to freeze, UltraFloor cannot guarantee product performance.

A minimum of 12 months when stored between 5 Degree Celcius - 30 Degree Celcius

Once mixed up the product will cure to give an inert material and does not require special disposal.
Uncured mate

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