Mapei Eco Prim T Plus - All Purpose Primer - 5kg

Mapei Eco Prim T Plus - All Purpose Primer - 5kg

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Eco Prim T Plus is an all-purpose primer for interior use to improve adhesion of smoothing compounds on all absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces. Solvent free, low odour acrylic primer in water dispersion.

£46.26 inc.VAT (£38.55 ex.VAT)
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Eco Prim T Plus is an all-purpose primer for interior use to improve adhesion of smoothing compounds on all absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces.

Solvent free, low odour acrylic primer in water dispersion with very low emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC).

Some application examples

  • To prepare cementitious and gypsum based subfloors before the application of MAPEI levelling products (see products for substrate preparation).
  • Preparation of surfaces with traces of cement based adhesive or old existing smoothing compounds before smoothing or applying cementitious adhesives.
  • Preparation of surfaces in gypsum, anhydrite, wood, marine plywood, chipboard, terrazzo, ceramic or natural stone before smoothing or applying cementitious adhesives.
  • Bonding aid for cementitious smoothing compounds on substrates when Mapeproof ESM, Mapeproof One Coat or Mapeproof 1K Turbo have been applied.


  • Eco Prim T Plus is a solvent free, low odour, easily applied acrylic resin-based primer in water dispersion. It has excellent bonding, water and ageing resistant characteristics.
  • Eco Prim T Plus is an easily applied, ready to use light blue coloured liquid. It is applied by brush or roller.
  • Eco Prim T Plus is not flammable and shows a very low emission of volatile organic compounds (EMICODE EC1 Plus) so it is absolutely harmless to the health of the installer and the end-user. It can be stored with no particular precautions.


Preparation of the substrate

Substrates must be uniformly dry, sound, free of dust, loose particles, cracks, paint, wax, oil, rust, traces of gypsum or other products that can interfere with bonding.
It is essential to make sure there is no rising damp present. All subfloors must contain an effective membrane to prevent rising damp


Eco Prim T Plus can be applied with a brush or roller. It is usually diluted 1 : 2 with water when applying on cementitious or anhydrite substrates. It is used undiluted on existing ceramic tile, natural stone, wood and adhesive residues (as long as they are water resistant).
When the primer is completely dry, it is possible to apply a smoothing compound or mortar. Drying time varies with the absorbency of the substrate and environmental conditions (temperature and humidity). However, it is recommended not to wait more than 24 hours.
If the product is used as a bonding aid for cementitious smoothing compounds on substrates consolidated or waterproofed with Mapeproof ESM, Mapeproof One Coat or Mapeproof 1K Turbo, Eco Prim T Plus must be applied neat at least 2 hours and no more than 24 hours after applying one of the above membranes.


  • Apply Eco Prim T Plus only on internal flooring.
  • Apply Eco Prim T Plus only on moisture-stable wood.
  • Do not apply Eco Prim T Plus on substrates subject to rising damp.


While still wet, Eco Prim T Plus can be cleaned from floors or wall coverings, tools, hands and clothing with water. When dry, use alcohol or Pulicol 2000.


Consumption varies from 0.10 to 0.20 kg/m², depending on the porosity of the substrate and on how it is applied.


Under normal conditions Eco Prim T Plus is stable for at least 12 months in its original sealed packaging. Avoid prolonged exposure to frost.

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