LTP Porcelain Tile Protector - Invisible Protection Against Staining - 5 Litre

LTP Porcelain Tile Protector - Invisible Protection Against Staining - 5 Litre

£54.46 inc.VAT (£45.38 ex.VAT)
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Water based pre-grout treatment suitable interior & exterior use.For use on all types of textured porcelain tile surfaces. Helps with grout and jointing compound release.On exterior surfaces a further coat can be applied after grouting whi

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£54.46 inc.VAT (£45.38 ex.VAT)
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Water based pre-grout treatment suitable interior & exterior use.

For use on all types of textured porcelain tile surfaces. Helps with grout and jointing compound release.
On exterior surfaces a further coat can be applied after grouting, which will help with the removal of stains from organic matter.

Directions for use

Ensure surface to be treated is completely clean, dry and free from dirt, grime, cement and grout.
If necessary, first wash surfaces with a dilute solution of LTP Grimex 1:5 and white pad.
Rinse well to remove residues and leave to dry.

Shake bottle before use. Before grouting apply evenly to the surface using a broad paint brush, foam roller or light pressure sprayer.
Allow to dry for 30 minutes.
Apply a second coat.
Leave to cure for a minimum of 1 hour before grouting or pointing.
Once pointing is dry and all residues have been removed a further coat of protector can be applied covering the joints as well.

Lower porosity surfaces; 1 Litre = 30m2
Lower porosity surfaces; 5 Litre = 150m2

Routinely sweep surfaces to keep them free from organic matter.
Surfaces can be washed on a regular basis with LTP Porcelain Floor Tile Cleaner

Hard to remove dried on cement stains can be removed using LTP Grout Stain Remover or LTP Cement, Grout & Salt residue remover.
Hard to remove stains from jointing compounds can be removed using LTP Solvex
Empty containers are recyclable. Active ingredients are watersoluble and inert once cured.
Do not use in temperatures under 5°C or over 25°C.
Clean application tools and brushes with water after use.

Storage information:
Store in a cool, dry, frost-free environment. Store locked up.
Shelf Life – Up to 2 years for un-opened containers.

Health, Safety & Environmental:
Keep out of reach of children. 

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