Mira 4180 Acrylic Primer - 1kg Bottle
Mira 4180 Acrylic Primer - 1kg Bottle
Liquid material for priming of floor prior to applying self-levelling and repair compounds
Liquid material for priming of floor prior to applying self-levelling and repair compounds
Size: 1kg
Coverage: 1kg of Mira 4180 primer for 10-14 m2 depending on mixing ratio.
- Ready-for-use
- Increases adhesion between floor and surfaces
- Close pores
- Decrease forming of air bubbles
- Prevents mass dewatering before setting
- Inflammable
- Quick-drying
- Water – soluble
- slightly odorous; yellow pigment added
- Suitable for external use
For priming of substrates made of concrete, anhydrite and cement based rendering, light concrete, wooden-like panels, ceramic tiles, and asphalt concrete.
Substrate preparation
The substrate must be stable, dry, compact, cleaned of dust, grease, oil etc. Concrete slurry (if any) should be removed, weaker parts of substrate should be removed and filled again. Grease, oil, dirt should be cleaned with 7110 base
cleaner. The substrate must be dust-free.
Technical conditions
Mix with water in proportion from 1:1 (on slightly absorbent surfaces) to 1:3 (on absorbent surfaces) or use non-diluted on wooden based surfaces.
Apply 4180 primer with a dense brush or spray gun. Avoid forming of puddles.
Application temperature range +10° to +18°C.
Drying time
1-2 hrs depending on temperature and air humidity.